Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ever tried Muvee products?

I'm currently creating a photo show for a friend who's Son is about to turn 21.

I've done a lot of these over the years, especially for Birthdays, and I'ver tried out many products. I have a preferrence for applications that give you the most control of the final product, because all of the automatic show producers that I've used have left a lot to be desired.

I visited an old friend (one that I hadn't seen for nearly 40 years and found out recently that he lives 5 minutes away from where I live) who has similar hobbies to mine. He introduced me to a product called 'Muvee Autoproducer'. This is another product that is intended to make a compilation of photos and videos into a show with minimal effort from you. However, this product does quite a respectable job on its own [unlike all the others that I've tried] and also allows you to tweak things to suit your own tastes.

I downloaded the trial version, tried it out, and was extremely pleased with the result.

The resulting video is as close as anything I've ever done to what appraoches a professional job. I recommend you giving it a trial run and see for yourself.


1 comment:

  1. I did try Muvee, don't know why I stopped using it or why I uninstalled it.
    I have been using AVS video editor, but am thinking about trying another one because AVS would not let me 'multi trim' a video( unless I didn't use it properly).


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